Feature(may vary by option.)

●The 4:1 gear reduction ensures easy and fast precision controlled tuning.
●Advanced engineering and materials, plus sealed gears for smooth, maintenance-free function and durability.
●Safe for the instrument, eliminating the need for fine tuners - improving instrument response.
●Perfection pegs look virtually identical to conventional pegs when installed, for aesthetic appeal.
●Easy to install (uses exactly the same reamer that is used for conventional peg installation) Professional installation is advised.

[12 mm]


Planetary Perfection Pegs were invented to prevent the problem of slipping or stuck pegs. These innovative pegs save time on tuning and increase the musical potential of your instrument. Perfection Pegs are now used by players of all levels--from students to concert halls. They are available in a variety of diameters to best fit your instrument. Choose the head material (synthetic, ebony, or rosewood) to best suit your budget and match your instrument.