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The GXP2160 from Grandstream represents the pinnacle of IP phone technology, delivering a comprehensive set of features to meet the diverse needs of businesses, from small enterprises to large corporations. This wired and wireless IP phone is equipped with advanced communication capabilities, combining cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design for a superior communication experience. One of the standout features of the GXP2160 is its Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to pair the phone with compatible devices such as headsets and mobile phones. This wireless capability enhances the flexibility of your communication, allowing for hands-free operation and the convenience of using Bluetooth accessories for clear and efficient conversations. Whether youre multitasking at your desk or need to move around the office while on a call, the GXP2160 ensures seamless communication without the constraints of traditional wired setups. The desktop and wall-mountable design of the GXP2160 adds another layer of adaptability to its functionality. With the option to mount the phone on the wall, you can optimize your workspace and ensure that the phone is conveniently located for quick access. This flexibility in deployment makes the GXP2160 suitable for various office layouts and configurations.