Feature(may vary by option.)

●20% LARGER BATTERY – Larger battery for extended runtime. Compared to other Roomba i series Robot Vacuums
●EMPTIES ITS VACUUM BIN, SO CLEANING IS OFF YOUR MIND - Cleans up after itself, emptying its Vacuum Bin into an enclosed bag that holds up to 60 days of debris, which means two whole months of not thinking about vacuuming.
●CLEANS THE ROOMS YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT - iRobot OS learns and personalizes your cleaning with Imprint Smart Mapping technology so you can direct it to clean any room you want, any time you want—either on a set schedule or in the moment.
●SWEEPS UP DUST, DIRT AND DEBRIS WITH EASE - Experience a comprehensive clean with the powerful 3-Stage Cleaning System that pulls in dirt, debris, and pet hair from wherever it hides.
●PRECISION CLEANING IN TIDY ROWS - Cleans intelligently in straight lines back and forth, to thoroughly clean your floors while navigating around furniture. When it needs to recharge, it will resume right where it left off ensuring a complete clean.
●FOCUSES ON DIRT - iRobots Patented Dirt Detect Technology allows the Roomba i4+ EVO robot to detect dirtier areas of your home and clean them more thoroughly.
●PERFECT FOR HOMES WITH PETS - Instead of using a single bristle brush, Roomba i4+ EVO uses Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes that flex to adjust to different floor types and avoid getting tangled with pet hair.

[Roomba i4+]


Now the Roomba i4plus EVO robot vacuum is smarter than ever, learning and mapping your home room-by-room so it can clean the room you want, when you want—with 10x the Power-Lifting Suction and Premium 3-Stage Cleaning System. Powered by iRobot OS, it stays one step ahead of everyday messes, by learning your life and suggesting cleaning schedules—to clean when you’re out enjoying life. On-demand cleaning is only a command away, with Google Assistant and Alexa compatibility that let you direct your robot to messes right when they happen. With Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal, Roomba will return itself to the base when the bin is full, automatically empty and resume cleaning, so you don’t have to think about emptying the bin for months at a time. (Compared to the Roomba 600 series cleaning system).