

Meet Us. A premium unisex grooming line for both men and women. Our razor gives you an ultra-close smooth and comfortable shave with high-quality blades made to glide over the contours of chins, knees, ankles, and everything in between.  Here’s what we love about this razor -- not only does it have five flexible blades, but it also has a lubricating strip infused with aloe and vitamin E to give you a smooth glide during your shave. When you pick up our handle, you’ll notice it’s a hefty premium metal handle, which gives you better control while you shave. (The more you know, huh?) Flip the razor over and you’ll find an edging blade that’s great for precision shaving areas like sideburns, around your nose and fingers, and toes.   Sound good? Let’s get you started. Join Us. You’ll like Us.