Feature(may vary by option.)

●INDUSTRIAL GRADE: The sander is designed and crafted for long operating hours, and heavy duty usage.
●POWER: It has a powerful motor that can generates 0.28 HP/ 209 W and spins at 12000 RPM.
●FEATURE: Low-Profile and Non-Vacuum. The lowest profile in the industry provides unparalleled control, maneuverability and feedback.
●COMPACT: Compact Design makes sanding tight/constraint areas more easy.
●AGGRESSIVE CUT: The 3/16" Orbits model has more aggressive cutting for removing materials.

[CV: 3  & 32 Hook]

[NV: 3  & 32 Hook]


This is the AirVantage 3 Inches Mini Sander. This industrial grade sander will meet the needs of your every day usage.