
●Increase your hard contact consistency while getting to the point of contact in the correct position!
●Improve your torque in your load and stride by feeling the stretch!
●Create more backspin on the ball after contact and drive the ball with more authority!
●Become the type of hitter the opposing coach wishes they had on their team.
●Develop the confidence that no matter who is on the mound, you have what it takes to beat them.


The Most Durbale Speed Bands

Swing BandsSwing Bands

The extra leather binding in our Swing Bands will improve the durability of our Power and Path Bands.

Lets get your bat on the plane of the pitch, and your swing more explosive!

Feel The Stretch!

Feel The Stretch!Feel The Stretch!

Healthy separation of the hands during the load-phase of your swing is how you develop true bat speed and torque.

With our Power Band, you can feel the stretch of your hands going back to allow your hips to pull your hands through the zone until the point of contact.

Master this piece, and you will begin to drive the ball further than you ever have. Guaranteed!

Stay On Path!

Stay On Path!Stay On Path!

One thing all good swings have in common is the ability to get the bat head (sweet spot) on the path of the pitch as early as possible and for as long as possible.

With our path-bands, you will learn how to stay connected through the zone while avoiding chasing pitches out of the zone.

This will sharpen your discipline and lower your chase-rate on bad pitches.

the Ultimate Baseball Swing Trainer Bands

Baseball Swing TrainerBaseball Swing Trainer

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