
●Liquid chalk HARD 40 ml combines the properties of drying and stickiness
●Three levels of stickiness (SOFT, MEDIUM, HARD)
●Recommended for people with moderate sweating of the hands to improve grip
●Contains a small amount of rosin
●Has a pleasant fragrance and doesn`t crumble
●Suitable for pole dance, aerial silks, climbing, acrobatics, gym


HOW TO USE? 1. Preparation: Clean the areas of skin where you intend to apply VISCOSI rosin spray. Make sure the skin is dry and free from any lotions or oils. 2. Shake Well: Vigorously shake the VISCOSI rosin spray bottle before use. This ensures that the contents are well mixed for effective application. 3. Spray Sparingly: Hold the bottle a few inches away from the skin and spray a light coating on the dry areas - under the elbows, behind the knees, on the sides of the abdomen, and on the thighs. Avoid overuse as a light layer is usually sufficient. 4. Allow to Dry: Let the skin dry naturally for a few minutes. The rosin should form a thin, protective layer over the dry areas without any residue. 5. Reapplication: Reapply VISCOSI rosin spray as needed, depending on the severity of skin dryness and the effectiveness of the first application. 6. Sensitive Skin Caution: If you have sensitive skin, its advisable to test the spray on a small area first. Discontinue use if you experience any irritation or allergic reaction. 7. Storage: Store the VISCOSI rosin spray in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to maintain its efficacy. 8. Safety Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes, and do not apply on broken or inflamed skin. Keep out of reach of children. 9. Disposal: Dispose of the empty bottle responsibly, adhering to local environmental regulations.