Feature(may vary by option.)

●There are 3 kinds of CCA with different copper percentage, copper percentage from high to low is CCAM, CCA, UCCA, we use CCAM for this speaker wire.
●You can use this speaker wire connect your speaker, home hifi, KTV, stage and related system.
●The cable can insuring high fidelity sound quality and providing good conductivity and durability without paying the additional cost. The product go through many states of testing to ensure very good performance and reliability of the products.
●This is soft touching cable with elastic PVC and very easy routing by round + square strands
●CCAM wire offers similiar signal frequency and reliability in terms of corrosion resistance to copper wire.




KCT Professional High Quality Speaker Wire Cable is designed to provide high quality signal from A/V receiver to speaker. Wire is rolled on spool for easy and convenient installation.