Feature(may vary by option.)

●Unique design: The teardrop cheek on this bit sets it apart, providing a short shank with a surprising amount of weight for balance and optimal horse carrying ability.
●Improved balance: Thanks to the weight distribution of the teardrop cheek, this bit promotes a natural and balanced feel for the horse.
●Pre-signal feature: The teardrop shape of this bit is specifically engineered to allow for slight rein slide, which gives the horse a pre-signal before the mouthpiece engages.
●Promotes effective communication: The design and weight of this bit provide excellent communication between the horse and rider, resulting in improved training and riding sessions.
●Versatile use: This bit is perfect for use in a variety of riding disciplines and is suitable for horses of all experience levels.

[Smooth Snaffle]

[Wide Port]

[Smooth Dogbone]

[Twisted Wire]


The Teardrop Cheek Bit from Equisential by Professionals Choice is a top choice for equestrians who are looking for a bit that is both balanced and provides clear communication with their horse. What makes this bit truly unique is the teardrop cheek, which has a surprising amount of weight despite its short shank. This weight distribution allows the horse to carry the bit comfortably and maintain good balance, ensuring that you can focus on training and riding without any unnecessary distractions. But the teardrop cheek isnt just about aesthetics or balance – its designed to provide a slight rein slide as well. This pre-signal before engaging the mouthpiece is an important feature that allows your horse to anticipate and respond to your cues more easily. This level of clear communication is especially important for training and refining your horses skills. In addition to its innovative design, the Teardrop Cheek Bit is made from high-quality materials that are built to last. Professionals Choice is a brand that is known for its commitment to durability and performance, and this bit is no exception. Whether youre a seasoned equestrian or a beginner, you can trust this bit to help you communicate more effectively with your horse. So why settle for a subpar bit when you can have the Teardrop Cheek Bit from Professionals Choice? With its unique teardrop cheek, slight rein slide, and superior construction, this bit is sure to become a go-to choice in your tack room for years to come.