Feature(may vary by option.)


HAVARGO Memory Foam Ear Pillow with Two Ear Holes

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upgraded ear hole pillow for better neck support short people female side sleeperupgraded ear hole pillow for better neck support short people female side sleeper

Upgraded HAVARGO Ear Pillow

How does this pillow help side sleepers?

This upgraded ear pillow has moved ear holes down a few inches to allow the ears to comfortably rest inside them, and to provide sufficient support to the neck.

Can people without ear piercings use this pillow?

People who wear headphones or hearing aids can also use this pillow, as it can help reduce ear pressure and increase comfort for side sleeping.

Is this pillow suitable for all sleeping positions?

Big pillow w/ 2 ear holes suits all sleeping positions. Adjust holes & sleep soundly even while changing positions. Great for active sleepers.

More about HAVARGO Ear Pillows

  • Ultra-soft Memory Foam Filling
  • Patented Cooling Ventilation System
  • Ultra-soft Cashmere-like Pillowcase
  • Pillow Height Adjustable
  • Great for active sleepers.
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