Feature(may vary by option.)

●Standard towel fixtures are often bulky — this durable, wall-mounted dispenser saves valuable floor space.
●Dirt can damage towels, creating waste, but refills are protected with our splash-proof hood.
●Refilling towels takes valuable time from other tasks, but this high-capacity model means easy refilling and low maintenance.
●Traditional dispensers can slow production and spread germs, but with our single-handed system, you only touch what you take.



Tork Maxi Centerfeed Dispenser W2:Standard industrial paper towel fixtures are often bulky and require frequent refilling, but this wall-mounted, high-capacity centerfeed towel dispenser saves valuable floor space and time. Dirt can damage towels, creating waste, but thanks to a splash-proof hood, refills stay protected. Traditional dispensers can also slow production and spread germs, but our single-handed system only requires you to touch what you take.Advantages at a glance: + Wall mounted+ Splash-proof hood+ High capacity+ Single-handed system