Feature(may vary by option.)

●WHAT?S INCLUDED: The Tap and Write Blends and Digraphs set includes 124 double-sided Cards (8"" by 4""), color-coded, and divided into 3 levels and stored on sturdy plastic rings; an answer key for ea
●HELP STUDENTS ENCODE AND DECODE: Having students tap on the black dots reinforces good listening skills with a tactile approach and provides good practice as they sound out words, read the completed w
●INTRODUCE STRATEGIES FOR BLENDS AND DIGRAPHS: These Card Sets help your students find success by teaching them to use strategies such as picture clues, directionality arrows, color-coded sound boxes,
●REINFORCE HANDWRITING SKILLS: You can encourage good handwriting skills as students record missing letters on the Primary writing line in each missing letter box.
●ENCOURAGE STUDENTS THROUGH SUCCESS: Young learners will find success as they decode three levels of words containing blends and digraphs, providing pride and confidence as they learn word attack strat

[CVC Words]

[Missing Numbers]

[Blends and Diagraphs]


Provide Tactile, Interactive Reading And Spelling Practice With These Blend And Digraph CardsIntroduce and reinforce blends and digraphs with three fun, tactile sets of extra-large leveled Cards, uniquely displayed on plastic rings. Your young learners will quickly learn the techniques to view picture clues, tap out sounds, identify missing blends and digraphs, and write them on primary lines. Each Card features black left-to-right progression arrows to provide directionality clues, a set of black dots to help students tap out the sounds within the words, and color-coded sound boxes for consonant and vowel clues. These write-on wipe-off activity Card Sets allow students to write in the missing letter(s) with a dry-erase marker and then read the words. Students will love the challenge of moving through all three levels of the color-coded cards. Just a quick erase and the Cards are ready for the next learner!