
●Order Includes: 1x Fuel Tap Shut Off Valve
●Part Numbers: D1NN9N024A D1NN9N024B D2NN9N024AA D2NN9N024C D3NN9N024A D8NN9N024AA D8NN9N024AB
●Dimensions : 44.9x71.3x21.2mm
●We strongly suggest comparing the posted picture to the unit(s) that needs to be replaced.
●Visit the Largest Selection of Powersports & Mowers Aftermarket Parts Online on the Caltric Amazon store - www.amazon.com/caltric


Compatible with Ford models
2000 3000 4000 5000 3600 4000 4600 450 4500 455

Part Numbers:
D1NN9N024A D1NN9N024B D2NN9N024AA D2NN9N024C D3NN9N024A D8NN9N024AA D8NN9N024AB

Dimensions : 44.9x71.3x21.2mm