Feature(may vary by option.)

●8 LBS 80 Grit Aluminum Oxide Sand Blasting Abrasive Media for Blasting Cabinet or Blasting Guns
●Virgin Brown Aluminum Oxide is harder than most blasting medias
●The media etched the glass evenly as desired, Worked smooth in your blasting cabinet
●Long lasting, Sharp angular grit, highly efficient and highly reusable. Non-reactant, won’t interfere with your coatings during surface prep
●There are 3 bags in total. Each bags contains 2 pounds of abrasive. The sealed bags can be reused to prevent the abrasive from contacting the moisture in the air

[80 Grit]

[100 Grit]

[120 Grit]


Aluminum oxide can be used in wet and dry sandblasting applications for cleaning, deburring, etching, and precision machining. Aluminum oxide is
an ideal material for etching the surface of glass because its hardness is greater than that of glass. Aluminum oxide does not decompose
as quickly as glass blasting media and has a longer cycle life than most blasting media