Feature(may vary by option.)

●NEVER LOSE YOUR FAVORITE SENTIMENTAL FISHING LURE. We all have our lures from days spent angling or trolling with dad and grandpa. Dont lose those treasures you can pass down to future generations
●PAYS FOR ITSELF OVER AND OVER. Money cant replace your lucky lure, and constantly buying new baits or rigs because they get stuck at your favorite fishing hole is expensive. Stop throwing money away
●PULL LINE TIGHT, LET GRAVITY DO THE WORK. Tie the Snag Buster to a separate rescue line, pull the snagged line taut and hook the Snag Buster on and let it fly. The tighter the snagged line, the better
●ALMOST AS SATISFYING AS CATCHING A FISH. Nothing beats the thrill of reeling in a big catch, but saving lures and not wasting time attaching a new jig, crankbait, spinner or trolling spoon is awesome

