Feature(may vary by option.)


[Wounded Warrior Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Blue Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Yellow  &  Clear Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Red Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Purple Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Mint Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Aluminum 1  & 8 oz.]

[Green  &  Pink Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Pink Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]

[Dorado Anodize 1  & 8 oz.]


Our new DFP Micro Surface Iron is the smallest CNC Machined Surface Iron on the market. They are rigged with a #10 treble hook with split rings on either end.