Feature(may vary by option.)

●☕️ The Recycle A Cup Tool is the only alternative to manually separating K-Cups allowing each component to be properly recycled
●☕️ In less than 10 Seconds Recycle A Cup allows you to separate K-Cup plastic pods from the filters and grounds
●☕️ Recycle a Cups patented K-Cup Cutter device allows for the easy separation of the components of the Keurig K-Cup Coffee Pods with just three fast and easy steps
●☕️ Help prevent billions of K-Cup pods from going into landfills, one pod at a time, with the Recycle A Cup K-Cup cutting tool
●☕️ By using the K-Cup Cutter you are helping to keep the planet clean and safe for future generations




Why buy the Recycle A Cup® Cutter? Millions of people across the United States use pod-based coffee brewing systems to create their morning cup of jo. While these single cup coffee pod machines are undoubtedly convenient, their single-use nature generates a significant amount of waste. With this in mind, you may wonder, “Are K-Pods® recyclable?” Unfortunately, most single-serve coffee cups aren’t recyclable in their original state. This means that many end up in landfills, where they will sit for hundreds of years – or worse, be blown into nearby waterways where they could affect wildlife. Coffee pods are great, but they can produce a bunch of waste! The coffee pods can only be recycled if the plastic, aluminum, paper and coffee components are separated and sorted into the correct categories for recycling or composting. The Recycle A Cup® works with the majority of coffee pod brands like Keurig and allows you to separate the pod into the components for recycling and composting. The Recycle A Cup cutter comes in a Single Pack containing two coffee pod recycling tools, a Double Pack containing four cutters, and a Triple Pack containing six cutters. It’s as easy as making your coffee, separating the pod, then recycling the coffee pod.