Feature(may vary by option.)

●Oval-shaped, soft blue pad made of closed-cell foam is the intermediate level of THERABAND progressive stability and balance exercise products and is more difficult than the firm green foam pad
●For balance and proprioception training, core, upper and lower extremity strength and stability training, ankle range of motion and flexibility training, sensorimotor training, closed kinetic chain exercises, targeted injury prevention and strengthening
●Use as single bad for single leg balance training, or place two pads on the floor and challenge yourself to squat or balance with the foam pads below both feet to create an unstable surface
●Use as single bad for single leg balance training, or place two pads on the floor and challenge yourself to squat or balance with the foam pads below both feet to create an unstable surface
●Contains (1) - Blue, Soft, Intermediate, 16" x 9" x 2" Pad
●Each band is 5ft in length
●Proper use of these Resistance Bands for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups
●Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next

