Feature(may vary by option.)

●Ground Loop Isolation: Designed as a Stereo 3.5mm Ground Loop Noise Isolator, it guarantees interference-free audio for MIDI producers and music creators, letting you focus on your work without disruptions.
●Versatile Compatibility: It eliminates bothersome buzzing noise in car speakers, PCs, and home stereos when using a Bluetooth receiver. 【Note: It cant filter out electromagnetic interference or some background noise.】
●Easy Setup: Compact and simple installation, no complex configurations required – ideal for MIDI producers and music creators.
●Sturdy Construction: With a Stereo 3.5mm Input and Output, its housed in a durable ABS casing, built for reliability during long hours of use.
●Enhanced Audio Quality: Elevate your music recordings and MIDI productions with high-quality audio results. Backed by a 3-Year Warranty and 24/7 Support for peace of mind and assistance when needed.




DigitalLife GI35-A 3.5mm Ground Loop Noise Isolator
- Companion for Flawless Music Recording and MIDI Production

Ground Loop Interference, an unwanted guest in music recording and MIDI production, is a common issue in the industry. It affects various electronic devices, including audio systems and music production equipment, causing bothersome buzzing or interference due to electrical potential differences between them. The DigitalLife Ground Hum Eliminator is designed to combat Ground Loop Noise in portable audio setups. Its compatible with a wide range of audio and video equipment, like amplifiers, speakers, computers, and smartphones, ensuring uninterrupted audio playback and recording.

This Ground Loop Hum Eliminator keeps your audio interference-free. With a sleek black design and compact size, installation is straightforward. Just connect it between your audio or video source and destination; no complex setup is needed. Built for durability, the DigitalLife Noise Isolator is housed in robust ABS material.Say goodbye to the annoyance of ground loop noise and rediscover your passion for crystal-clear sound and visuals with the DigitalLife Audio Noise Filter. Elevate your audio and video production with the DigitalLife Ground Loop Isolator 3.5mm, your reliable partner in the world of music recording and MIDI production.