Feature(may vary by option.)

●The unique integrated stand of SEEDS instruments allows Kalimbas extended pitch to be longer and resonate more strongly than traditional designs. It uses a integrated stand that can be tuned with a hammer, which is SEEDS sole patented design and is the most convenient method of tuning.
●The upper two sections are 17 key in C and 17 key in C#. the weight is around 430g-480g.the lightest Chromatic Thumb Piano until now.
●Underneath the black numbers is a white background coating to avoid reflections in the light.
●You can DIY seeds 41 key, more keys can be inserted in the lower section, up to 51 key.
●Packaging list: Kalimba, Sheet music, Tuning hammer, Double EVA storage case,Kalimba Key Stickers, Kalimba Stand Holder Wooden.

[17 key]

[41 key]



After the bracket installation is completed, this hole cannot be seen from the front, which does not affect the appearance and has no impact on the sound quality.