Feature(may vary by option.)

●The Slippers are anti-static ESD Safe, especially designed for Staff in Work Clean Room and Lab Offices, static dissipative and are designed to protect your valuable static sensitive work environment. Long lasting dissipative properties - Rtt: 10E4; 1 x 10E11 ohms tested per ANSI/ESD STM11.12; 2 second charge decay, tested per IEC 61340-5-1:2007.
●Ideal for use in electrostatic sensitive fields, such as precision electronics, laboratory research laboratories, clean workshops, optics and optoelectronics, LCD/LED liquid crystal displays, mobile communications, semiconductors, bioengineering, medicine and health, Precision instruments, fine chemicals, automobile manufacturing, communications and information, aerospace and other industries.Also suitable for use in bathroom, spa, gym, swimming pool, beach, leisure, steam rooms, camps, pools.
●Soft Comfortable, non-slip, deodorant,Anti-Skid Grip on Sole.




We offer effective solutions for all ESD & Clean Room Areas. We have a worldwide cooperation in over 30 countries We are continuously developing new ESD products. Multilingual Staff with ESD Knowledge. We provide a wide range of Unique and Cost effective products (Please contact us if you need other products / orders, we will definitely provide you with a competitive price ):
Personnel Grounding,
ESD Lab Coats,
Polo Shirts ESD Office Supplies,
ESD Waste Bins ESD Table,
Floor Mats EPA Consumables,
ESD Packaging,
ESD Dry Cabinets,
ESD Brushes,
ESD Chairs,
ESD Gloves,
ESD Trolleys & Shelves Splice Tapes & Stencil rolls,
ESD Safe Bottles SMT Trolleys & Racks,
ESD Sticky mats PCB Magazine Racks,
ESD Shoes Ionizer Range Clean Room Supplies.