Feature(may vary by option.)

●Single, prepared slide with a monocot & dicot root. Cross section
●Shows general structures of monocot & dicot root side by side for easy comparison
●Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long
●Great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function connection as per NGSS standards
●Protective cardboard casing

[Single Slide]


Single, prepared microscope slide with a monocot and dicot root. Cross section. The slide shows the general structures of a monocot and dicot root for easy comparison. It is great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function connections as per NGSS standards. Protective cardboard casing. Slide measures 75mm (3") wide, 25mm (1") long, and 0.06" in height. Slides are expertly prepared and labeled for easy identification. All materials in Eisco Labs slides are completely inert and sealed in glass.