Feature(may vary by option.)

●Point and shoot for the perfect photo. Capture brilliant color and control the exposure balance of different parts of your photos.
●Get the shot without the flash. Night Sight is now faster and easier to use it can even take photos of the Milky Way.
●Get more done with your voice. The new Google Assistant is the easiest way to send texts, share photos, and more. [1]
●A new way to control your phone. Quick Gestures let you skip songs and silence calls – just by waving your hand above the screen. [2]
●End the robocalls. With Call Screen, the Google Assistant helps you proactively filter our spam before your phone ever rings. [3]


[Clearly White]

[Oh So Orange]


End the robocalls. With Call Screen, the Google Assistant helps you proactively filter our spam before your phone ever rings. 3