Feature(may vary by option.)

●Mock Barcode labels
●Self adhesive label
●Latest version
●DR security am 58Khz label
●Labels are used in alarm systems



our selection of retail hard tags, labels, and flexible safers in Acousto-Magnetic (AM) and Radio Frequency (RF) technology.

  • our Anti-Theft EAS Retail Security Magnetic Labels, Alarm Labels, Ink Labels, Bottle Security Labels, Shoe Labels, Optical Security Labels, Security Labels, Security Stickers, Soft Labels and more to protect clothing, apparel, optics, sports goods, shoes , cosmetics, medicines and more!
  • Our retail safety labels and tags provide assurances of quality, expertise and innovation that retailers can trust. Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) solutions are designed to optimize merchandise protection, help protect stores from shoplifting, and protect retailers bottom-line profits.



DR White Barcode Sheet Label is a high security disposable label used on a wide variety of retail apparel and merchandise. The tamper-resistant sticker allows retailers to secure items at the source of manufacturing or in-stores leading to decreased shrink and improved revenues. The discreet design of the tag protects high-theft items while not impeding brand promotion. The robust design provides easy deactivation at the point-of-sale and reliable security even if exposed to environmental stresses during shipping. This tag is compatible with EAS systems.



Small label footprint minimizes impact on brand promotion and important product information Robust construction provides optimal merchandise protection. Label Suitable for clothing, plastic, glass, carton, etc., not suitable for metal products



Color:White Barcode

Working frequency: 58khz

Technology:Acousto-Magnetic (AM)

Length:45.21mm ± 0.5mm (1.78in ± 0.020in)

Width10.67mm ± 0.5mm (0.420in ± 0.020in)

Depth: Maximum 2.00mm (0.079in)