Feature(may vary by option.)

●ANTI SLIP TOP & BACK: Thanks to our newest technology, the surface of our rug pad has better anti-slip effect. A little rough surface will keep rug securely on rug pad. Rubber dots with strong grip on back enhance safety by keeping the rug securely in place and preventing slips, trips, and falls.
●DURABLE NEW FELT: High quality new felt materials are less likely to break down or compress over time, providing long-lasting support and protection for your rug. There is no odors or metals in our felt, making it safer for your family and pets. Add protection to your floors and rugs as well.
●ADDED COMFORT: Non-slip rug pads provide cushioning under the rug, creating a softer and more comfortable feel underfoot. 1/4 inch thickness is ideal for thin rugs and hard surfaces such hardwood, laminate, tile and vinyl.
●NOISE REDUCTION: Rug pads with denser materials can help reduce noise to some extent. The padding helps to muffle footsteps, minimize the noise generated by furniture movement, and reduce the echoing effect that hard floors can sometimes create.
●RUG AND FLOOR PROTECTION: Rug pads provide cushioning and support for the rug, reducing wear and tear on its fibers. They also help to minimize scratches, scuffs, and marks that can occur due to the friction and movement of the rug against the floor surface. They will extend the lifespan of the rugs and floors.

[8x10 feet]


rug padrug pad
rug padrug pad
rug padrug pad
rug padrug pad
rug padrug pad