Feature(may vary by option.)

●Enables precise, clean-cut lines through polyurethane and pure polyurea coatings
●Cut through from the bottom up to prevent damage to coating, pull the wire out and through the coating to create a clean cut line
●Achieve a perfect edge without leaving a mark, leaving scuff marks, or affecting the adhesion of the coating
●1/4" x 100 Edge Cutting Steel Wire Tape is equivalent to all the leading brand names without the added cost



Trim a wide variety of coatings, from medium-high thickness polyurethane. Edge Cutting Steel Wire Tape is used for trimming through strong polyurethane and polyurea coatings from the bottom up. The Steel Wire is utilized as a high strength cutting blade, that is attached to adhesive tape and positioned on a surface along the desired trim line where excess coating is not wanted. Designed to create a clean-cut edge every time. Available in a roll or 10-pack case.