

Dont let your eyes deceive you; the SC205 might seem like a small speaker, but it definitely packs a punch. Like the name implies, its a SilverCone two-way system with a 5" woofer and with an extended bass frequency response and astounding output level, the SC205 will easily fill your room with exceptional sound. The SC205 also comes with the convenience of threaded screw inserts on the bottom and the back. That way, you can mount your SC205 on a regular microphone or speaker stand, or use the back plate for different wall mounting options available on the market. Tech TalkThe SC205 uses a 5" SilverCone woofer for an extended bass response. This very stiff diaphragm is honeycomb structured and glass fibre coated. Like in other models, its driven by a sophisticated magnet system that uses a 1" voice coil responsible for delivering a greater linear excursion. All in all, this produces a bigger dynamic range than you would naturally assume from a speaker of these proportions. The result is an unsurpassed audio transparency that, when coupled with the proprietary AMT tweeter and PWM amplifier, will surprise you with a very powerful and precise low end. The AMT (Air Motion Transformer) tweeter is an EVE proprietary technology that follows the rule of not using "off-the-shelf" components when looking for the best possible results. The preciseness and detail in the high frequency, along with the general tightness of the bass and mid-range frequencies, will make the SC205 equally adequate for use on the road or in studio. DSPWith every EVE Audio speaker, you also get high resolution DSP electronics. One push knob operation and you will have access to accurate volume control and several different filter settings that will help you tailor your monitors to the way you work. And if you always avoid digital processing, weve got you covered. The DSP engine is supported with a high quality A/D converter from Burr-Brown, which delivers a pristine signal to the