
●Instead of using a latch and the for Arduinos PWM pins, we have a fully-dedicated PWM driver chip onboard.
●PCA9685 Servo Shield PCA9685 16 Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Driver Shield I2C Interface.
●Compatible with Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila & Duemilanove. Works with Mega/ADK R2 and earlier with 2 wire jumpers.


Instead of using a latch and the for Arduinos PWM pins, we have a fully-dedicated PWM driver chip onboard. This chip handles all the motor and speed controls over I2C. Only two pins (SDA & SCL) are required to drive the multiple motors, and since its I2C you can also connect any other I2C devices or shields to the same pins. This also makes it drop-in compatible with any for Arduino.Completely stackable design: 5 address-select pins means up to 32 stackable shields: thats 64 steppers or 128 DC motors! What on earth could you do with that many steppers? I have no idea but if you come up with something send us a photo because that would be a pretty glorious project.
Package Included:
1* PCA9685 Servo Shield PCA9685 16 Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Driver Shield