
●UES Sensor Cleaner is alcohol-free and ammonia-free. Ideal for cleaning both CCD and CMOS sensors.
●Ultra pure water-based sensor cleaner has non-aggressive formula.
●Super soft swab head is fully covered by ultra fine microfiber - efficient cleaning and no scratch
●Flexible swab rod with a mini channel enables the pressure on the swab head evenly across the sensor
●Every sensor cleaning swab is made in a Class 100 Clean-Room and sealed in a vacuum package



sensor cleanersensor cleaner


aps-c 16aps-c 16


  • alcohol-free cleaner safe to all sensors
  • efficient and effective cleaning result
  • streak-free
  • EU REACH Certified

Easy to Use

  • lint free super fine microfiber
  • super soft swab head
  • Compatible with most of APS-C cameras


  • made in a dust-free workshop
  • individually vacuum packed

sensor cleaningsensor cleaning


  1. Before start, shoot a piece of white paper with Aperture Priority (A) mode set at f/22 or higher. You could use the pop-up flash. Locate the dust or spot on your sensor.
  2. Make sure your camera’s battery is 100% fully charged. Set camera to sensor cleaning mode, so the delicate shutter and mirror mechanisms stay out of the way, and give you access to the sensor.
  3. Use an air blower to remove loose dust from the sensor
  4. Open one end of the swab package and remove the swab
  5. Dispense 1 to 2 drop of cleaner to the edge of the swab
  6. Hold the handle at a 60◦ angle, off the surface of the sensor
  7. Swipe the swab from one end of the sensor to the other end with single constant motion
  8. Turn the swab 180◦ and use the clean side of the swab to swipe the sensor in the same direction again with single constant motion
  9. Discard the used swab and never reuse the same swab on any other sensors. Always use a sealed swab for other applications.