
●Choose from classic fencing styles: Foil, Epee, and Sabre for an authentic feel.
●Available in blue and red colors.
●Blade mirrors the standard length of traditional fencing swords for realistic training.
●Constructed from bendable plastic, designed with safety in mind for players.
●Detachable components include a bell guard and tip, offering easy replacement or disassembly to prevent damage.
●Suitable for training sessions in a club, playful backyard bouts, and honing skills at home.
●Easy-to-store and transport, making it an ideal companion for on-the-go fencing fun.


Engage in the captivating world of fencing with our specially-designed plastic fencing sword! Perfect for kids and beginners, this sword provides a balance of realism and safety, offering an exciting introduction to the sport or for lively backyard duels.