Feature(may vary by option.)

●Scent Profile: Delicate Floral Aroma, Comprising Violet as Top Note, Jasmine as Middle Note, and Honey as Base Note.
●Functionality: Our Hair Identification Spray precisely highlights facial hair, including fine hairs that are hard to detect with the naked eye, ensuring a flawless shave.
●Ingredients: Crafted from pure natural plant extracts, our spray not only identifies hair but also deeply moisturizes and enhances the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed.
●Effect: Creates a protective layer on the skin, minimizing friction during shaving and delivering a comfortable experience.
●Sensory Experience: Upon application, the spray imparts a clear, cooling sensation to the skin, providing a refreshing experience, particularly in hot summer conditions.






1.Function: Clearly highlights facial hair, including small ones, for a flawless shave.

2.Ingredients: Pure natural plant ingredients deeply moisturize and improve skin, leaving it refreshed.

3.Effect: Forms a protective layer, reduces friction, ensures a comfortable shaving experience.

4.Feeling: Leaves skin clear, cool, and comfortable, especially in hot weather.

5.Flavor: Light floral fragrance with notes of violet, jasmine, and honey.

How to Use:

4 Steps To Use

Shake Well: Shake The Bottle Well To Combine All Ingredients.

Spray: Hold Bottle 5-7 Inches Away And Apply Short, Firm Sprays.

Shaving: Use A Dermaplaning Tool To Remove Identified Hair.

Cleaning: Wipe Or Wash Face With Clean Water.

Packaging Contents:

1/2/3 Pc * Hair Identifier Spray

3 Pc * Dermaplaner