
●VERSATILE CHALLENGE FOR ALL AGES - Designed for ages 5 and up, this obstacle offers a thrilling balance challenge suitable for various skill levels.
●SIMPLE SETUP, STURDY DESIGN - Easy to set up and crafted with durable materials, ensuring stability while supporting up to 250 pounds for a safe and reliable experience.
●ADJUSTABLE HEIGHTS - Adaptable to different skill levels, with adjustable heights ranging from 3 to 8 feet, providing customizable challenges for users.
●INCLUDED ACCESSORIES FOR CONVENIENCE - Comes with locking carabiners for added safety and convenience during setup, ensuring a secure attachment to your Ninjaline.
●ENHANCED NINJALINE EXPERIENCE - Perfectly complements the Ninjaline obstacle course, adding a unique challenge that pushes balance, focus, and agility, offering an engaging addition to the training regimen.


Challenge Balance and FocusChallenge Balance and Focus
Dynamic TrainingDynamic Training
The perfect addition to your Ninjaline course!The perfect addition to your Ninjaline course!