
●Ghost Roaster Figure (unlock in the game)
●Unlock Darklight Crypt
●7 New Areas to Explore and 3 New Enemies


Darklight Crypt is an Adventure Pack level unlocked by using the Darklight Crypt Adventure Pack of Skylanders: Spyros Adventure. Ghost Roaster is included exclusively with this adventure pack. Here, the Skylanders have the ability to switch between the Ghost World and the Real World using Spectral Shifting Platforms to get through obstacles. On the Wii version, once this level has been completed, Battersons Pies will appear in other levels.Upon arriving, the Skylander meet with a Molekin chef named Batterson who told the Skylander of the previous events of the Undead having stopped eating the brains of the living and started eating the Molekins pies. However, they recently stopped buying pies and began causing an uprising. He then showed the Skylander the differences between the real world and Ghost World using the Spectral Shifting Platforms. Afterwards, Batterson explained that the bank will take away his business if he doesnt get any sales soon, and tasked the Skylanders to find out why the Undead had stopped buying pies. When they entered the Crypt, the Skylander was greeted by a giant eyeball monster named Occulous, who is surprised to see a non-ghost in the Ghost World. Reaching the Haunted Village where the Undead reside, the Skylander encountered a ghost named Gallant, who told the Skylander about Occulouss true nature. The eyeball monster came to the village one day and outlawed all pies, proceeding to force the Undead to do bad things to the Living against their will. The Skylander then agreed to help rid the Haunted Village of Occulous rule and navigated through the monsters maze to reach him. With the help of Gallant, the Skylanders defeated Occulous, allowing the Undead to finally eat pies again and saving Battersons business.