Feature(may vary by option.)

●Waterproof Protection: This 17.5oz transparent waterproof agent provides an effective barrier against water damage, keeping your belongings safe and dry.
●Versatile Application: Suitable for a wide range of materials including wood, fabric, leather, and more, making it an ideal solution for various indoor and outdoor projects.
●Easy to Use: Simply apply the waterproof agent evenly on the surface using a brush or sponge, and let it dry for a long-lasting protective coating.
●Invisible Finish: The transparent formula ensures that the natural beauty of the material is not compromised, leaving no visible residue or discoloration.
●DURABLE: This invisible waterproof agent repellent is a powerful water repellent that provides reliable protection against moisture and ensures the longevity of your items.



OCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesiveOCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesive

OCEA CBONE brand high-efficiency transparent waterproof adhesive, multi-functional repair adhesive, can be used for home, office, outdoor and other places, strong and durable, waterproof effect is long and reliable!

OCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesiveOCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesive

OCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesiveOCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesive

OCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesiveOCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesive

Clean the surface base. Ensure that it is free of dust, water and dry

Find the location of the leak. Apply the first coat of waterproofing adhesive evenly.

Wait for 6-8 hours, then apply a second coat of waterproofing adhesive evenly. If you want a better result, you can paint again after an interval of 6 hours.

OCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesiveOCEA CBONE transparent waterproof adhesive

OCEA CBONE Transparent waterproofing adhesive has excellent adhesion properties, can firmly bond various materials, not easy to come off. It is cold and heat resistant. After special treatment, the surface of the transparent waterproof adhesive is wear-resistant, and it is not easy to wear out after a long time of use. The use of transparent waterproof adhesive can effectively prevent water penetration, once painted, long-lasting waterproof.

Transparent waterproofing adhesive is suitable for a variety of waterproofing needs, such as roof repair, plumbing repairs, outdoor equipment protection and so on.













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